As Garbage Collection specialists in Pitt and Lenoir County, we know how easy it is for your home to fill with clutter. Have you evaluated your home lately? Chances are, your home is filled with things that should be in one of our trashcans. Your home should be great, don’t fill it with trash. That being said, sometimes it can be hard to let go.
With that in mind, here are 5 handy questions to help you decide: Should you keep or toss?

1. When’s Did You Use it Last?

In every home, you only want things that are really useful to you. Think, when is the last time you used this object for its purpose. For example, you have this great purple sweater, but you only wore it 2 times last year. That means you should probably give it up. As cool as it is, you don’t need cluttering up your space.
But on the other hand, if you always use this container for trail mix, bring it. The more you use it, the more likely it will be useful for your home.

2. Do You Remember Where (or When) You Got It?

Let’s not play down nostalgia. There are just some things that don’t have a physical use but a real emotional use to you. If you can hold this trinket and remember the exact time and place you got it and can identify the emotional significance: keep it. You need to do that for yourself.
But if you can’t remember where on earth you got it— it’s not worth it, chuck it.

3. If You Saw This Today, Would You Still Buy It?

This is perhaps the biggest test. Say you have a novelty wine cork that you haven’t used ever and can’t remember where you got it, but you just can’t get rid of it. Think: if you saw this cork, would you still buy it?
If the answer isn’t an enthusiastic yes, it needs to go. You only want things in your home that you genuinely want and care about.

4. Do You Have Duplicates?

If you have a comparable or even identical piece in your life that you already use, you should probably get rid of it. You don’t need anything extra cluttering up your space. If you already have something that satisfies a need, you probably don’t need it.

5. Would You Be Willing to Pay to Keep It?

Because, if you keep it, you will be. Whether when it comes time to move it’s the fee you pay to have it boxed or how much time it costs to make sure it stays in an organized space, you are paying to keep this object. Consider: is it really worth it?

Next Steps

After you’ve decided what you want to keep or toss, it’s time to take out the trash. Beyond keeping any unnecessary trash out of your home, it’s also important to have a garbage collection partner to make sure your trash goes where it needs to go. At Countryside Sanitation, we serve Pitt and Lenoir County by working with each and every customer to help make their trash day a success. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us and we’ll see what we can do.