Countryside Sanitation LLC is a sanitation and trash pick up company in Pitt County, NC. There are several ways to reduce the amount of trash that your household creates. One of these ways is to use your trash to create compost.

Not only does this benefit your community by reducing the amount of waste, it also helps your own backyard by creating healthier soil and gardens. Here are some pointers to help you get started on your own compost:

Here is a list of things you should put into your compost:

  • Coffee grounds and their filters, tea bags with the staples removed
  • Yard waste like leaves, wood, pinecones, pine straw, nuts, nut shells, grass clippings, and hay
  • Food waste like egg shells, lettuce, juice pulp, fruit peels, corn stalks

Here are some things you should NOT put into your compost:

  • Pet waste
  • Weeds or anything treated with pesticides
  • Leftover meat and dairy products

Once you have gathered your compost materials, designate a spot in your yard to create a compost pile, preferably a shady place. Wait 2-3 weeks, and then you can use your compost in your garden or yard.
For all of your trash and sanitation needs in Pitt County, NC, contact us at Countryside Sanitation LLC.